Colombian National Anthem

The National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia (Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia) is a song often heard in Colombia. Traditionally, the song is played at most events in Colombia by using the chorus, the first verse, followed by the chorus again.

The Colombia National Anthem was inspired and pushed for in 1887 by José Domingo Torres, who was himself passionate about his country and theatrical music. The lyrics of the song are accredited to the Colombian President at the time Rafael Núñez. The Colombia National Anthem was also penned to honor the city of Cartagena.

Italian opera teacher, Oreste Sindici, composed the music of the Colombia National Anthem which unsurprisingly resembles that an Italian opera. The song was officially declared the Colombia National anthem in 1920, and goes as follows:

O unfading glory!

O immortal joy!

In furrows of pain

goodness germinates now.

The horrible night has ended,

the sublime liberty

pours the dawns

of its invincible light.

The whole humanity,

crying in its chains,

understands the words

of the One who died on the Cross.

"Independence!" cries

the American world;

bathed in the blood of its heroes

the land of Columbus.

Still, one great principle,

"The king is not sovereign",

resounds, and those who suffer

bless its passion.

The Orinoco's bed

fills with the remains,

of blood and a river crying

is there seen.

In Bárbula they don't know

the souls nor the eyes,

if admiration or horror

feel or suffer.

On the shores of the Caribbean,

famished the people fight,

horrors preferring

to treacherous health.

O, aye! for Cartagena

the abnegation is much,

and the remains of death

despises its virtue.

From Boyacá in the fields,

the genius of glory,

for every ear a hero

undefeated crowned.

Soldiers without breastplate

won victory;

their virile breath

as shield served.

Bolivar crosses the Andes

that two oceans bathe,

swords as sparks

shine in Junín.

Untamable centaurs

descend to the plains,

and a prescience begins to be felt,

of the epic the end.

The victorious troop

in Ayacucho thunders,

that in every triumph grows

its formidable sound.

In its expansive thrust

Liberty is worn for the first time,

from the American sky

a pavilion forming.

The virgin her hairs

pulls out in agony

and from her love widowed

hangs them on a cypress.

Regretting her hope

covered by a cold headstone,

but glorious pride

hallows her fair complexion.

Thus the motherland is formed,

Thermopylaes are breaking forth;

constellation of cyclops

its night brightened.

The trembling flower

finding the wind mortal,

underneath the laurels

safety sought.

But it's not complete glory

to defeat in battle,

that the arm that fights

is encouraged by truth.

Independence alone

The great clamour doesn't silence;

if the sun illuminates everyone,

justice is liberty.

From men the rights

Nariño preaching,

the soul of struggle

prophetically taught.

Ricaurte in San Mateo,

in atoms flying,

"Duty before life,"

with flames he wrote.

In addition to being played at political, sporting, and other major events, the Colombia National Anthem is also played every morning and evening (6 AM and 6 PM). Hopefully, visitors will appreciate and enjoy the Colombian National Anthem as much as its citizens do.

Colombian National Anthem Lyrics